Why do Females Get Likoria, and Its Symptoms & Effective Treatments?

What is Likoria Disease in Females?

Leukorrhea, or LIKORIA as it is medically termed, is a thick, white discharge from the vagina. The vagina uses it as a natural defence mechanism to maintain its chemical equilibrium. It also protects the vaginal tissue's flexibility. Another possible cause could be vaginal mucosal irritation or blockage.

What are the Reasons for Likoria?

We have listed the primary reason behind Likoria, read along to check more. Get online sexual consultation today if you resonate with any of these reasons:

Likoria is also regarded as an early indicator of pregnancy. It is only slightly thicker than your normal discharge, you might not be able to differentiate between your discharge from pregnancy and your normal discharge.

Birth control pills can cause hormonal imbalances, which may end up in having likoria, or vaginal white discharge. You can change your method of contraception and consult a gynaecologist if this discharge causes you any discomfort.

A yeast infection in the vagina is another common cause of likoria. You can feel burn and itch in the vulva and vagina as a result of these infections. Yeast infections can produce vaginal discharge that feels and looks like cottage cheese.

Vaginal discharge can also be caused by STIs and STDs. Likoria may also result from an imbalance in your hormones for any reason.

Another factor that can lead to likoria is uncleanliness in the genital area.

It can also be brought on by wearing tight, synthetic underwear, using scented soaps and lotions, bubble baths, and douches.

Likoria can result from excessive stress, mental health issues, anxiety, and sexual tension as well.

An unhealthy diet also becomes another reason for Likoria.

Vaginal discharge can also be caused by pelvic inflammatory disease, diabetes, anaemia, cervical cancer, and tuberculosis.

What are the Symptoms of Likoria?

Let’s check out some symptoms of Likoria which are common to observe: If you have one of these symptoms, get in touch with a professional sexologist in Delhi

  • Discomfort on the vulva.
  • Enlargement of the vagina.
  • Lower back and lower abdomen ache.
  • Discomfort when urinating.
  • Difference in the quantity, colour, and odour of your discharge.
  • Irritation and dryness of the vaginal lining. 
  • Pain and bleeding both during and after sexual activity.
  • Bleeding that is separate from your menstrual cycle.
  • Abnormal growth of skin around the vagina.

What are the Side Effects of Likoria?

Well, anything in excess has its fair share of side effects. So, a normal discharge is not likely to bring any side effects but discharge leading to Likoria will bring some side effects such as anaemia, risk of cervical cancer, yellow colour face, hair loss, loss of appetite, poor eyesight, respiratory distress, and more.

How does Likoria Affect Pregnancy?

As mentioned above, Leukorrhea essentially helps to maintain a clean, infection-free vagina, which is especially essential during pregnancy. It usually doesn't indicate a problem with your pregnancy and isn't harmful. It might be noticeable the entire pregnancy, or it might start to get progressive as your due date approaches.

What is the Best Treatment for Likoria?

Vaginal creams: Patients are recommended using gel-based vaginal creams to treat yeast infections

Treating STDs

Sexually transmitted diseases are among the common causes of abnormal vaginal discharge. Treating STIs using antivirals or antibacterial can help treat leukorrhea

Anti-fungal creams

Yeast or fungal infections require anti-fungal creams or gels application

When treating abnormal leukorrhea caused by bacterial vaginosis, antibiotics, and antimicrobial agents are among the most successful treatments. Metronidazoles are used to treat trichomoniasis.

Well, apart from these, you can also opt for personalised treatment whichever is desirable.


Well, Likoria is white discharge that is a common phenomenon among women, however, if the discharge is unusual or is progressive in nature, it is always recommended to get it checked by your doctor! If you are looking for a sexologist with hands-on expertise and in-depth knowledge, Dr, SK Jain is the best resort, you should not miss on!

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