Which STDs are curable and not curable? Let’s find out

Sexual activity is the primary vector for the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The most prevalent transmission mode is oral, vaginal, and anal sexual contact. However, sexually transmitted infections can also be conveyed through other forms of close contact, like kissing. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are caused by various bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Some sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can be treated, while others will always be present. Here are the details of curable and incurable STDs:

Which STDs are Curable?

Thinking about which STDs are curable? The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that over 30 distinct viruses and germs can be spread by sexual contact. Eight of these 30 cause the most widespread STDs. Only four of these eight are curable now. The following are the four STDs that can be treated:
  • Syphilis
  • Gonorrhoea
  • Chlamydia
  • Trichomoniasis
Even while these STDs can be treated, that doesn't imply they don't cause severe problems for afflicted people. Antibiotics and antiviral drugs have their own set of potential side effects, and being diagnosed with an STD can cause feelings of shame and isolation.

Which Sexually Transmitted Diseases Are Not Curable?

Some sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) never leave the host. Treatment for these sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) is limited to symptom management at best. Some examples of the following STDs are not completely curable:
  • Hepatitis B
  • Herpes
  • HIV
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV)
Preventing sexually transmitted diseases: some pointers Safe sexual behavior is the first step in preventing sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). A condom, dental dam, or another kind of protection must be used correctly and consistently every time a couple has sex. Understanding the transmission mechanisms of sexually transmitted diseases is equally crucial. Some sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are spread by oral sex, despite the common misconception that only vaginal or anal intercourse is sexually transmitted. Screening for sexually transmitted diseases should be done often, especially if you have more than one sex partner and are not in a monogamous relationship.

How to Know When You Need to See a Doctor

Without symptoms, it might be difficult to tell if you have any of those above sexually transmitted infections. The best thing you can do for your reproductive health is to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases once a year or immediately following any sexual activity that does not involve using a condom. The majority of sexually transmitted infections can either be treated or are permanent. Chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and trichomoniasis are all treatable STIs caused by bacteria or parasites. Specific antibiotics or antiparasitic drugs are used to treat them. HIV, HPV, hepatitis B, and herpes are the most prevalent viruses that cause sexually transmitted infections, and all four are fatal in most cases. STIs caused by viruses cannot be treated. In most situations, they do not create problems despite being dormant in the body for life (except for certain types of HPV). When this occurs, remedies can be used to lessen the severity of any associated symptoms or prevent further outbreaks and contact with the best sexologist in Gurgaon.


Understanding the severity of an STI diagnosis can be nerve-wracking. When your sexologist in India calls with the results, it's unlikely that you'll be expecting good news. A simple course of antibiotics can successfully treat many of the most common STIs. Medical progress has rendered even once-devastating viral infections manageable and benign, so even if you have an incurable STI, you need not worry about significant consequences. However, the best way to avoid contracting a sexually transmitted infection (STI) in the first place is to practice safe sexual behavior and get screened often.

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