Foods To Increase Male Fertility

Nowadays, infertility in men is a common problem. According to studies, the fertility problem is found in the male partner more than the female partner.

The main reason for less fertility in males is the quantity and quality of the sperm count. However, there are many ways through which one can increase fertility. One of them is taking the correct nutrition and maintaining it throughout life.

If you are looking to know how to check male fertility naturally? Then consulting with Dr. SK Jain sexologist is an effective method. To get an accurate result, you need to go through various tests or opt for the home fertility test kit.

The Foods To Increase Male Fertility Are Mentioned Below


Eggs are considered a superfood for their several benefits. They are a rich source of protein, zinc, vitamins, and micronutrients. Consumption of eggs regularly increases the sperm count in males. Eggs help in the production of healthy and improved sperms.

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate contains antioxidants and amino acids. It is proven that consumption of dark chocolate in limited quantities can increase sperm count and improve the volume of sperm. One can have a piece of it in place of dessert.


It is one of the best foods to increase male fertility. They are a good source of vitamin B1, C, magnesium, A, and the enzymes called Bromelain. It boosts the motility of sperm and makes it more fertile. Consumption of bananas also helps in regulating sex hormones.


For vegetarians, they are a well-known source of Omega-3 fatty acids. They also contain healthy fats, protein, arginine, and antioxidants that remove the toxins from the blood and boost sperm count naturally.

Foods that are rich in Zinc

Eating Zinc enriched food is an effective answer on how to increase male fertility. As in the production of good quality sperms, Zinc plays a vital role. Zinc can be found in foods such as red meat, beans, barley, nuts, dairy products, whole grains, and fish. Consuming Zinc-rich food also helps in building libido.

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds consist of phytosterol, amino acids, and antioxidants which help in the production of testosterone. Thus, it increases the fertility of males and their sperm count. One can also eat these seeds raw as the toppings in the salad.


Asparagus is a kind of vegetable that helps increase sperm count and motility. This vegetable has vitamin C that helps in getting rid of the free radicals and protects the sperm. If consumed regularly for four weeks, then it boosts fertility in males.

Maca Roots

Maca roots are the herb that increases the volume of the sperm and makes it fertile. It also improves sexual life and treats erectile dysfunction. In addition, this herb helps in better and increased motility of sperm. One can consume it in oats or smoothies.


Spinach is a leafy vegetable that is rich in folic acid and Vitamin B9. Consuming this vegetable helps in regulating sperm production, which is fertile. It also reduces the risk of abnormal sperms and enhances the development of sperm. It improves the overall health of the semen and penetrates it into the egg of the female.

Goji Berries

This is a superfood that has antioxidants for improving fertility. In addition, it improves the temperature surrounding the scrotum sack, which produces good quality sperms. This superfood also helps increase the sperm count in semen.


It is a root that helps in increasing testosterone and treating erectile dysfunction. One can make the tea of this root for consumption. It comes in both forms, dry and fresh. Consuming ashwagandha is one of the best foods to increase male fertility, blood circulation, and manage stress.


Water is essential for a healthy lifestyle. Staying hydrated helps the body in maintaining its functions. Drinking enough water can help create seminal fluid which is healthy and fertile. It also increases the volume of the sperm.

Foods that are rich in Vitamin-C

Vitamin-C-rich foods are peppers, kiwi, broccoli, oranges, blackcurrants, tomatoes, and all citrus fruits. Vitamin C improves the motility of sperm and protects the sperm from free radicals.


This fruit increases the sex drive and is rich in antioxidants. It increases the quality and fertility of sperm. Pomegranate can be consumed every day in the form of juice or raw.


The above-listed food helps in increasing the sperm count, quality, motility in males. Therefore, by making some changes in the diet and the daily routine, one can improve the hormones and fertility factors. However, consult with your doctor if infertility is still there after doing all the possible things.

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