Does Ejaculation Make You Weaker?

When a couple reaches orgasm, the men release semen discharge and sperm cells from their reproductive system, known as Ejaculation. Does ejaculation make you weaker? Sometimes men are not able to feel pleasure during ejaculation.

Does Ejaculation make you weaker?

Usually, if men ejaculate every day, they may feel weakness in their body, but there are no such symptoms of weakness seen in men due to ejaculation if the man is healthy. Due to regular ejaculation, men can feel weak due to tensed muscles because sex is like a physical activity snd force is applied to it. Men can even feel weakness due to any urine or std infection due to Ejaculation.

does ejaculating make you weaker

Do you feel less pleasure during Ejaculation?

Some men cannot control the orgasm and start ejaculating early, so they are unable to take complete pleasure during sex. Some men have premature ejaculation problems in which they fail to control themselves and ejaculate before reaching the climax.

In delayed ejaculation, men get late for Ejaculation, which is also a problem. There are some techniques due to which you will get to know how to increase pleasure during Ejaculation and on time.

1. Take breaks - During sexual intercourse, to take more pleasure during Ejaculation, you can use the pause and continue the method. While ejaculating, you should stop and take pauses in between the sexual intercourse. This exercise during ejaculation time, which will help you to make more pleasure during ejaculating.

2. Strengthen your pelvic muscles(Kegel exercise) - The pelvic floor can control the lower part of the body and pelvic muscles, including the urethra, bladder, Prostate, and pubic bone. Through kegel exercise, you can strengthen your pubic bone and control the ejaculation process between intercourse.In kegel exercise, every morning when you go to urinate after passing some stool, try to hold the stool for a few seconds, then release and try to do this activity daily to strengthen and take control of your pelvis muscles.

3. Yoga - Yoga exercises have been found very useful to balance and keep the body healthy. Yoga exercises such as Kapalbhati and anulom vilom, and many more exercises help increase blood flow of blood and make all the body parts healthy. You will be energetic, and your organs will become two times healthier because of yoga. Yoga will also help to make your body flexible and help to cure all sexual problems.

does ejaculating make you weaker

Ayurvedic Medicines to Solve Sex Problems

You can take ayurvedic medicine for sex to feel and increase sexual pleasure during sexual intercourse.

You can take the best sexologist online consultation for delayed Ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, low libido, or other sexual problems.

1. Ashwagandha - Many people take ashwagandha to boost their energy and improve their body performance. But it is seen that men who have sexual problems also take ashwagandha, which has been giving good results in return. Ashwagandha can help you control your premature and delayed ejaculation disorder and make it on time.

2. Kapikacchu - This ayurvedic medicine is beneficial to cure sexual problems, especially ejaculation problems. This herb also helps to increase the level of testosterone and improve the quality of sperm cells.

3. Gotu Kola - This ayurvedic herb helps increase and improve the blood flow of the whole body's nervous system. It is beneficial to handle erectile dysfunction, boost the sex drive and ejaculation process. This herb has been taken by males and has been found advantageous for all sexual problems.

does ejaculating make you weaker


Men face problems during sex, and they are unable to feel sexual pleasure during Ejaculation and unable to feel satisfied. Now, some exercises, ayurvedic medicine, and consultation with the best sexologist in India can help men control the process of ejaculation and feel satisfaction during sexual intercourse.

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