Treat Male Infertility With Ayurveda

Despite having repeated unprotected sexual intercourse, if a couple cannot get pregnant, it may signal an issue with one or both of them. Both men and women need to get checked and determine any fertility issues.

Male infertility can occur due to several reasons. However, when these issues shatter the life-long dream of becoming a parent, it breaks a person from the inside. However, you need not worry as many favorable male infertility treatments in Ayurveda can help ease your pain.

A man is infertile when his sperm count is low; sperm doesn’t change or reach high in the vagina or near the cervix; it doesn’t have good motility. The causes of male infertility include:

1) Defective spermatogenesis, meaning the formation of sperm has issues like optimal temperature
2) Congenital disabilities
3) Autosomal or chromosomal diseases
4) Hypospadias causes failure in depositing sperm high up in the vagina
5) High scrotum temperature or thermal factor
6) Chronic bacterial or viral infection
7) Malnutrition, obesity, general debilitating diseases, immunological factors, and other diseases

Male Infertility Natural Treatment in Ayurveda:

In Ayurveda, infertility is known as Vindhyatwa, meaning failure of a matured age couple to conceive while having regular sex during the ritu-chakra (menstrual cycle) for over a year. The reasons behind low sperm count treatment in Ayurveda are as follows:

1) Shukra dosh- semen defects like volume, morphology, count, motility, erectile dysfunction, etc
2) Ativyayma- overexertion
3) Aahara dosha- imbalance diet, wrong food habits, defective digestion, malnutrition
4) Vihara dosha- poor lifestyle choices like over-exercising or not exercising at all, alcohol overconsumption, smoking, etc
5) Loss of bala (strength)- weakness in muscles, debilitating diseases, infections obstructing pathology causing infertility
6) Manasa dosha- losing mental health, stress, no concentration leading to erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation

Male Infertility Treatment in Ayurveda-

The sexual well-being of a person in Ayurveda is known as Vajikarna. Male infertility treatment includes:

Panchkarma Treatment:

It brings back the deranged doshas on track. It includes basti treatment in which herbal and medical oils and decoctions enter the colon through the rectum to increase semen’s quantity and quality. Shodhana involves detoxification from diseases to purify the body and eliminate diseases. Chikitsa is a cleaning therapy that helps maintain equilibrium in the body.

Exercises and Yoga:

Dr. SK Jain, a renowned sexologist, focuses on the benefits and significance of yoga and exercises. Incorporating padmasana (lotus pose), paschimottanasana (seated forward bend), bhujangasana (cobra pose), Sarvangasana (shoulder stand), praivritta trikonasana (twisted triangle pose) can help with male infertility treatment in Ayurveda. Doing these exercises regularly and having a balanced meal can work wonders in keeping the mind and body healthy and sound.

Ayurvedic Medicines:

Ayurvedic medicines aim at providing balya (strength), brumhana (nutrition), vrishya (fertility). You can find it in cow’s ghee, milk, honey, chyawanprasha, ashwagandha, bala, rasayana vati, shatavri, shilajita, triphala, musali pak, etc.

The male infertility natural treatment in Ayurveda aims at holistic improvement in a person, rather than targeting a specific part.

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