Sexologists Explain 5 Ways on How to Increase Sexual Power

If you want to be able to have sexual intercourse for long, you are not alone.

Several males are keen to find ways to improve their sexual performance. This may include addressing current issues or identifying new solutions to keeping your relationship happy and content.

Despite the abundance of male enhancement drugs available on the market, there are numerous easy methods to remain firmer and last longer without needing to visit the pharmacy beforehand.

Continue reading to learn about some additional strategies on how to grow sexual power.

1. Know About Your Dosha

All people are born with the main dosha, which has an effect on their physical and mental health as well as their inclinations. Kapha, Vata, and Pitta are the three doshas that exist in the body. If you want to know how to improve sexual power naturally, you can talk to your sexologist about your dosha.

When it comes to sexual wellbeing, people who have a Kapha dosha may be able to enjoy more regular sexual encounters without feeling drained of their energy (Ojas). People with a Vata dosha should avoid having sexual relations as much as possible in order to maintain their Ojas. It is those who have a predominance of Pitta dosha that has the finest balance and are able to engage in frequent intercourse.

2. Consume Foods High in Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Vitamin B

Foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids, including olive oil, salmon, avocados, and tuna, are known to improve sex desire. Peanuts and beans are high in vitamin B1, which has been shown to improve sexual stamina in certain people.

3. Deal with Anxiety

Being apprehensive makes it difficult to feel sexually motivated, which has implications in the therapeutic setting. In fact, anxiety has been shown to exacerbate the symptoms of sexual dysfunction. In this case, regulating your anxiety on a general level should be beneficial regardless of the situation.

4. Masturbate

If you're having trouble staying in bed for as long as you'd want, you could benefit from some practice. While sex is the most effective technique to prepare for sex, masturbating may also help you live longer by increasing your lifespan.

The best sexologists in Agra state that the key is to continue for as long as possible, exactly as you would like it to when you're not alone.

5. Stay Away From These Bad Habits

In addition to incorporating some of the everyday activities discussed in the preceding section into your daily routine, you should avoid the following undesirable habits:

● Excessive use of alcoholic beverages
● Sleep Deprivation
● Taking on an excessive amount of stress
● Excessive consumption of sugar

By now, it should be evident to you that anything you do has an impact on your health in some way or another. You may influence your health in both good and bad ways by changing your diet, managing your stress levels, and getting enough sleep, to name a few factors.

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